4 Things You Need for Successful Case Management

Case management refers to a process where a professional assesses, plans, processes, coordinates, monitors, and evaluates the services and care a client needs. It falls within the health and human services occupation.
A case manager works to help clients improve their lives and meet their needs. They work in the health service industry.
According to research, more than 113,949 case managers are in the United States. Case managers deal with patients, their families, communities, and other healthcare professionals. Generally, they ensure patients have the required resources to meet their goals. Case managers share some similarities with social workers.
Rehabilitation Care Coordination is a case management provider. We aim to ensure the best outcome for our patients. We do that by minimizing their disability while maximizing their ability. Our case management services include
- Special needs trust
- Workers Compensation
- Residential assistance
- Family case management
You may need help with case management, life care planning, or home assessment processes. Whatever you need, you can get started with us through a free phone consultation.
Even though every patient’s needs are unique, there are four things you need for successful case management. Read on to find out what they are.
The Four Levels of Success
The goal of case management is to transform the lives of patients by providing individual care. Such care helps clients achieve their goals. There are four elements of successful case management. They are intake, needs assessment, service planning, and monitoring and evaluating. Every organization must focus on these elements when carrying out its mandate.
Intake refers to the first meeting between a patient and the case manager. The meeting sets the foundation for all the next levels. During intake, the case manager collects a lot of information. Doing so allows them to understand the patient’s situation better. That includes demographic information.
Examples of demographic information are name, contact data, address, and medical information. The information will help the case manager develop a good plan of care. The case manager also takes time to identify the client’s immediate needs during intake. In most cases, patients have needs that take priority over all others.
Identifying such needs helps inform an effective path of care for the patient. A case manager will also take the chance to build a relationship with the patient during intake. Because it is the first meeting, the client and manager lay the ground for a good relationship.
The first meeting also helps a case manager establish whether a client will benefit from their services. If the patient benefits, they can move to the next step. But, the organization may not be an excellent fit for the patient’s needs. If so, the manager will suggest a different resource.
Needs Assessment
The needs assessment level expands on the data gathered during the first stage. Here, the case manager evaluates all the information they collected from the client. The evaluation aims to understand the client’s needs, goals, and challenges better. Assessment is an activity shared by case managers and social workers in their roles.
To succeed in case management, you must rely on customized plans. To do that, you have to have a clear understanding of the patient’s specific needs. One of the major needs assessment steps is pinpointing the client’s key needs, interests, and problems.
The needs assessment level also involves developing and communicating expected goals. Doing so helps ensure that all the stakeholders agree on the desired goal. The stakeholders include the client, family, case manager, and other healthcare providers.
The second step also includes clearly communicating the potential risks and challenges. Finally, it is important to re-evaluate as you go through the case management process. That is because needs are likely to change.
Service Planning
Service planning is among the four things you need for successful case management. It involves identifying specific tasks that will assist the patient in achieving their goal. The case manager considers the information from the first two levels to create a plan. The patient’s family and health care providers usually weigh in on the plan.
A case manager will outline specific actions to develop a service plan. These actionable items should be realistic and attainable. The case manager will also come up with a timeline for achieving the desired goals. Having a timeline is equally essential as having a list of actionable items.
A timeline will help keep all involved stakeholders focused and driven. During service planning, a case manager will also come up with metrics. Metrics are like measurements that help tell where you are in achieving your goals. Metrics let case managers know if the service plan is successful or not.
Monitoring and Evaluating
The final level of successful case management is monitoring and evaluating. It involves assessing the effectiveness of the plan. According to research, plan monitoring happens throughout the case management process. It involves getting feedback and carrying out follow-ups.
The fourth stage ensures that the case manager meets the patient’s specific needs. The established plan and metrics in service planning will help. They will act as a blueprint for monitoring and evaluating. To know how case management is progressing, the manager will use metrics as an indicator.
If there is a problem with the progress, the case manager will make the necessary changes. But, if the outcome is good, the case manager will keep going with the plan. The case manager should use quantified data to measure progress.
Wrap Up
People with chronic and repetitive diseases and injuries have complicated needs. Case management ensures that such patients receive continuous care for their conditions. The more severe an illness, the more the patient and other parties need case management.
In the initial stages, patients encounter case management in healthcare facilities. But after they leave the hospital, patients will need a case management provider. The four things you need for successful case management are essential for a patient to improve. When a patient gets better and achieves greater independence, everyone benefits.