RCC Working with Insurance Companies
With over 30 years in business serving hundreds of clients across Southern California, many of whom have been with us for over a decade, we are the premier nurse case management company in the region. RCC stands ready to help you and your client reach their best possible outcome.
Insurance Providers
Every client you receive is a new obligation, not just to the company but to the family. It’s a balancing act; providing care, meeting their needs and fulfilling your obligations within the company. With those kinds of dual responsibilities, it will require focus across a wide range of requirements. Your best work will require more than just a telephone, a voice from hundreds of miles away. To provide the best care you can’t solely use your ears, but all your senses to develop a total picture of the client. What you need is on-site, and on-sight care.
Rehabilitation Care Coordination provides you and your organization at the level of the client. By being at their side, and at their appointments, we can get provide better analysis of their needs and concerns. Most importantly, we can determine what is being communicated, verbally and otherwise, by client and their family. This will give RCC and you the detailed information needed for the next steps in their long-term care.
From there RCC will perform a home assessment to determine the individuals needs across the spectrum; We will utilize the medical provider network to ensure that their medical needs across all specialties are met. We will determine the amount of care needed at home, obtain caregivers and ensure all necessary medical equipment and supplies are ordered. RCC will also provide benefit administration work to ensure they are receiving what they need.
Testimonials from Insurance Providers

We make a big difference here. We’re a small team but we’re powerful.