An RCC team member fields a phone call while taking notes

Case Management Services

Locations Served: San Diego, Imperial, Orange, Riverside & San Bernardino Counties along with Southern or Eastern Los Angeles Counties. If it’s a one-time assessment our range is greater.

Your partner and advocate, for your best possible outcome, for the long haul

When our CEO was at Grossmont Hospital, she would work with individuals who had suffered brain or spinal cord injuries. They would rehab, get treatment, make great progress and return home. A few months later they would return, often losing all the progress they previously made. That’s the genesis behind our Case Management services.

We plan for the patient’s long-term care needs while the family focuses on their loved ones’ day to day care. We connect them and their families with all the resources.

How Does a Case Management Scenario Start Out?

If we have completed a Life Care Plan or a Home Assessment, we will begin implementation immediately. If not, we may have to do an initial home visit and review the patient’s medical records.

After that we will being implementation of all their medical and resource needs. We will set up the initial medical appointments, secure the necessary durable medical equipment, interview home health attendants, begin either living modifications or provide alternate living options and coordinate additional services such as trust/estate attorneys or financial planners. We will also start a benefit administration plan to ensure that the cost of their care is spread around to different sources.

What is our goal?

More than just the medical and benefit side, we want to find a way for the patient to contribute. There is no life if the patient is just going from medical appointment to medical appointment. They must find something to do, and someone to do it for. As they become more independent, as they move beyond stability towards a better outcome, we will help them find a passion and a way to contribute to society.

RCC team members pose next to a recent graduate

What types of patients do you work with?

RCC focuses on patients with catastrophic injuries and illnesses; specifically those with brain and spinal cord injuries, amputees and those with mental illnesses. We specialize in all types of patients; children, adults, adult children and the elderly. We also specialize in transitional elderly case management

Some of our services include help with:

  • Translation Services
  • Social & Recreational Activities
  • Budgeting
  • Rehabilitation Therapy
An image of a man helping a person in a wheelchair
Image of RCC CEO, Doreen Casuto

The success of any treatment option depends on effective communication and consistent follow-through. That’s why Rehabilitation Care Coordination provides unique care coordination services to aide patients in need.