Workers Compensation Coordination
With over 30 years in business serving hundreds of clients across Southern California we are the premier nurse case management company in the region. RCC stands ready to help you and the injured worker reach their best possible outcome.
Patient and Employer, moving forward, to the best possible outcome
Nobody, whether employer or employee, goes to work thinking about a potential injury. Besides such not being a priority, no one wants to think of such an unpleasant occurrence. Regardless it happens on a daily basis across the country. It could be an injury with long term affects, or a permanent disability. Either will lead to dramatic changes for the injured worker. As the insurance provider and others get involved and the process continues, the focus should be on the injured worker and putting them in the best possible situation.
For the past three decades Rehabilitation Care Coordination has provided case management services for workers compensation cases throughout the Southwest United States. Our services start while the injured worker is in the hospital as we facilitate their transition from the acute setting to their home or a rehabilitation facility. From there we will identify their medical providers, determine the level and type of caregivers needed and ensure the injured worker gets the necessary medical equipment and supplies. We will ensure that the injured worker is attending all necessary appointments with medical specialists and therapists so that they make as much progress as possible in their recovery. While this is happening, we will be preparing monthly reports and authorizations for the workers compensation provider with the worker’s status, goals and recommendations.
How it works
We will begin by providing an on-sight assessment of the patient, reviewing their situation pre and post injury and what will their care needs be moving forward. Once we complete the review, we will provide a comprehensive report to you and the insurance company.
With our report in hand, you can feel comfortable that the patient’s needs in totality have been reviewed, the costs confirmed in the short and long term, and both parties’ needs are met. After that we will being implementation of all their medical and resource needs. We will set up the initial medical appointments, secure the necessary durable medical equipment, interview home health attendants, begin either living modifications or provide alternate living options and coordinate additional services such as trust/estate attorneys or financial planners. We will also start a benefit administration plan to ensure that the cost of their care is spread around to different sources. Throughout it all we will be the advocate, cheerleader and support system for the patient and their family moving forward.

Utilizing the MSA
The Medicare Set Aside allocation (MSA) outlines the projected costs associated with injured workers medical and prescription drug expenses typically covered by Medicare. The MSA is submitted to and approved by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The MSA provides a structured means for the settling Injured Worker and Workers Compensation Carrier to reasonably consider Medicare’s interest with the approval of CMS and avoids penalties associated with non-compliance.
Locations Served: Southern California including San Diego, Imperial, Orange, Riverside & San Bernardino counties.
Patients Served: Any Workers Compensation case that involves a life changing and/or catastrophic physical injury, chronic pain or mental illness.