Transitional Case Management Services
Transitional Case Management – The Next Stages
It is uncommon for family members to focus on more than the day to day care of their loved ones. However, it is essential to plan for their long-term care needs.
According to a study done by AARP, 52% of Americans will deal with a serious disability requiring long term care. Family caregivers, typically around 45 years old, average 24.4 hours/week and when it’s a spouse or immediate family member, it can be 45 hours/week. Over 50% of those who provide care feel a noticeable work strain and/or a strain on their family lives. 78% of families incur out of pocket costs for that kind of case, with the average amount being around $7,000.
Many people already have had this experience when they served as a care provider for their parents, and they can attest to the stress and difficulties. This is of course even worse when your family lives in another county, state or even country.
Before and during such a transition, you need someone on the ground to liaison and advocate for you and your family. Before you move onto your next stage of life, we must define what the future looks like. Near and distant future. Advance planning and preparation mean there’s one less thing for you and your family to worry about.
Transitional Case Management Services
Our goal is to be your advocate and your liaison, and to let your family be your family.
Our transitional case management service starts with an on-site assessment and the creation of a care plan for you and your family. It will focus on cohesive and comprehensive assessment with recommendation for your current needs and a long-term plan. This may include residential options, current medical needs, health situation, financial resources and benefits. Once a plan is developed, reviewed and agreed to, we can provide our hands-on case management and benefit administration services, either part or full time, during the different phases of your life.
You will also be connected to a number of resources including
Residential options ranging from independent living to skilled nursing
- The best medical providers across southern California
- Medical and support equipment dealers
- Access to caregivers ranging from home keeper to full nurse attendants
- Partnerships with some of the best experts in the fields of insurance, real estate, financial and law

Testimonials for Transitional Case Management

It takes a lot of dedication and the RCC team really possesses that, and that’s what makes it all work well.